"Beautiful little girls with iron will": in Chelyabinsk the Championship and Superiority of Ural Federal District on female boxing] took plac

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Female boxing - spectacular and rigid, but thus it all the same remained graceful. You understand it when you look at a ring where the strongest sportswomen of national teams of regions Ural Federal District fight. In the South Ural capital the Championship and Superiority of Ural Federal District on boxing among women of 19-40 years, juniors of 17-18 years, 15-16 years and girls of 13-14 years came to the end. More than 180 sportswomen took part in competitions. In the final representatives Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra, Chelyabinsk Region and Sverdlovsk Region met. Serebryakova Irina from Yekaterinburg at competitions won a rank of the champion. Thus it –...