The new head of Ministry for agriculture of the Republic Grechesk becomes Georgandas

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The deputy minister of digital managements Greece Giorgos Georgandas will replace Spilios Livanos on a post of the Minister of Agriculture and the food after resignations the last, reports AMNA on February 7. Georgandas, the member of ruling "New Democracy" Party, will be sworn in in the afternoon on February 8 by the president Greece Catherina Sakellaropulu. Georgandas was the practicing lawyer from the moment of the termination of law department Thracian universities Democritus. He was for the first time elected the deputy in May, 2012, held a position of the deputy minister of educations, religion and training of adults in...
Catherina Sakellaropulu
Last position: President of the Hellenic Republic (President Greece)
Spilios Livanos
Last position: Deputy (Parliament of Hellenic Republic)
Samaras Adonis
Dukas Petros