Internet mass-media on February 7. Organizing committee ChM-2022 site. Head coach combined Serbia Kolakovich Igor: On a WC big fight] is necessary to u

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56-year-old Kolakovich Igor already headed the men's national team Serbia on volleyball in 2007-2014, and before within three years was the assistant to the head coach. In a moneybox of Serbians during its stay on a post of the team coach – gold and two bronze of the championship Europe, bronze of the World Cup, an award of League of the nations. On the eve of the World Cup in volleyball of International federation of volleyball 2022 to Russian Federation Kolakovich Igor again at a wheel of the Serbian team. In interview to the press service of the organizing committee of the World Cup it tells about the next plans and the trainer's career. - We congratulate you on appointment to the post of the head coach of the national team...
Vladimir Romanovich Alekno
Last position: Member of Public chamber of the Russian Federation (Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation)
Mir Said Maruf-Lakrani
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball of VK "Shakhrdari"