The Kostroma telegram-channels Alexander Fisher from administration] commented on leavin

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Telegram-kanaly commented on leaving Alexander Fisher from a post of the deputy governor Kostroma Region on domestic policy. The correspondent of information agency "REGNUM". Arguing on the reasons of changes, the Homeland of the Snow Maiden channel estimated work of the official on interaction with areas and to information escort of the governor "on a troyechka". Reasoning conclusions, the Snow Maiden referred to traditionally low places taken by Sergei Konstantinovich Sitnikov in a rating of Agencies of political and economic communications, devoted to a consequence of governors. The Kostromat channel called Alexander Fisher "gray...
Alexander Fisher
Main activity:Official
Yvan Bogdanov
Last position: Deputy governor (Administration of the Kostroma region)
Sergei Konstantinovich Sitnikov
Last position: Governor (Administration of the Kostroma region)
Irina Zhabko
Last position: Director (Department of Information Management and Analysis of the Kostroma region)
Shilov Yvan
Department information policy
Government Agency
Administration regiona
Government Agency