The director "A chicken fried" about the died son Yvan Alekseevich Rudakov: It as if the squeezed spring
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The successor of a postanovshchitsa played Bukhner's role in series. Last week TV channel "Pervy kanal" began display of the new project "Chicken Fried". The director of the gangster drama – 66-year-old Helena Nikolaeva. As one of scriptwriters the spouse of a postanovshchitsa – Rudakov Aleksey acted. The role of the police officer Bukhner in a multiseries picture was played by the son of couple, the actor Yvan Alekseevich Rudakov. For few weeks to a premiere the successor Helena Nikolaeva and Rudakov Aleksey died. 43-year-old Yvan Alekseevich Rudakov died in reanimation of one of capital hospitals on January 16 of consequences the transferred Koronavirus. On January 20 the actor followed to the grave. In...