The hero Ukraine Boris Davydovich Deych died in Moscow from Koronavirus

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In the Moscow hospital from Koronavirus Boris Davydovich Deych died Hera Ukraine. About etomsoobshchayet "Strana.Ua". It is noted that to Moscow Boris Davydovich Deych delivered after deterioration of a state of his health. Thus the politician was imparted and passed a revaccination, he was 83 years old. The head Krymasergey Sergey Aksyonov in svoyemTelegram - the channel expressed condolences in connection with death of Boris Davydovich Deych. "It is big loss. One of the most known, skilled and dear political and public figures Republic of Crimea" — was written by him. Boris Davydovich Deych was deputatomverkhovny are glad from 2006 to 2014, before held a post of the chairman Autonomous republic supreme soviet of Crimea...