Oleg Menshikov shared good theatrical news

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The Russian actor, the theatrical director and the teacher Oleg Menshikov in exclusive interview to the SOLENKA.INFO edition reported good news. According to the actor, the other day at Yermolova's State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy" performance "Ideal Che" rehearsals on satirical prose Tsypkina Alexandra directed by the director Talgat Batalov began. The premiere has to take place in March on the Main scene. Oleg Menshikov added that such actors are involved in performance, as Anastasia Almukhametova, Christina Babushkin, Natalia Gorbas, Anton Kolesnikov, Petr Kurdov, Andrey Martynov, Andrey Popov, Stanislas Aleksandrovich Raskachaev, Nikita Tatarenkov, Yegor Kharlamov...
Oleg Menshikov
Main activity:Official
Christina Babushkin
Last position: Actress
Anastasia Almukhametova
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Anton Kolesnikov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Talgat Batalov
Last position: Actor, theatrical director