Oleg Lavrichev called the "far-fetched" complaint in Presidential Administration

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"The problem is decided" — Oleg Lavrichev wrote to the correspondent of Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru" and advised to address for "the competent comment" to the deputy head of the office of municipal duma Maslova Helena. "The federal legislation does not claim that the chairman of a thought has to work by all means at a constant basis. Besides, the decision of municipal duma on appointment Oleg Lavrichev is registered in the main thing management Ministry of Justice, and there it recognized lawful" — explained Maslova Helena Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru". Let's remind that claims to Oleg Lavrichev appeared at the ex-deputy Eugenie Ivanovich Lazarev. The day before it sent to Presidential Administration, regional SK and...