The resident of Nizhny Novgorod asks prosecutor's office to check booking policy of Theatre for Young Audience

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By data Eugenie Ivanovich Lazarev, tickets for performance a month before a premiere were not on sale on the official site Festival Gold Mask, on a Theatre for Young Audience site. On a portal "KASSIR.RU Nizhny Veliky Novgorod" information on tickets also was absent. In Theatre for Young Audience it was possible to get the ticket only on performance on January 29. And a month before a premiere available there were less than 100 pieces. "Vankina Inna information on ways of distribution and sales tickets for this performance did not find. While the director of Theatre for Young Audience reports that realized 600 tickets for each action. At hall capacity in 805 places" — Eugenie Ivanovich Lazarev noted. Let's remind that...