Chelokhsaev Georgy And Dolgolevets Eugenie AGAIN In Moscow. Do not pass evening of boxing on "the MATCH! " and "MATCH! Fighter"

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In the middle of the week we are waited by large tournament on boxing in Moscow. Fighters from Russian Federation and our vicinities will try to prove to be, and the main fights will take place in the first light-middleweight weight: Chelokhsaev Georgy will battle to Makhammadsalim Sotvoldiyev from Uzbekistan, and the Belarusian Dolgolevets Eugenie leaves against Honatan Ennis's argeniinets. Dolgolevets Eugenie (Belarus) – HONATAN JOSÉ ENEAS (Argentina) Chelokhsaev Georgy (Russian Federation) – MUKHAMMADSALIM SOTVOLDIYEV (Uzbekistan) on February 3, 2020, "Krylja Sovetov", Moscow, Russian Federation the Live broadcast on TV channel "the MATCH! " at 21:30, on TV channel "the MATCH! The fighter" at 17:25 In...
Alexander Kryazhev
Last position: Press photographer (Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti")
Gaybatulla Gadzhialiev
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Yvan Baranchik
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing ("Fight Promotions, Inc.")
Chelokhsaev Georgy