FSRU the Marshal Vasilevsky at the native mooring. Test of the Kaliningrad UGS?

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Moscow, 3 Feb - Neftegaz.RU news agency. Floating regasification installation (FSRU or PRGU) Marchal Vasilevsky arrived to the mooring of the sea terminal on the liquefied natural gas (LNG) reception in the Baltic Sea to water areas to the north of the area Pioneer - Zelenogradsk. Data of services testify to it tracking of vessels. The marshal Vasilevsky arrived to the area of port Kaliningrad on January 25, 2022 from Zebryugge's Belgian port. Capacity of cargo tanks of the Marshal Vasilevsky makes 174 thousand m3 of LNG (102,3 million m3 of gas after regasification). Then within 9 days of FSRU plied in Gdansk the gulf...