The Russian hockey players left quarantine because of tests for Koronavirus in Beijing

@RBK Sport
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The Russian team since January 31 was on quarantine in the Olympic village because of positive PTsR-tests of several hockey players. The team got the admission to trainings on February 2 the Women's national team Russian Federation on hockey since January 31 was on quarantine in the Olympic village in China after obtaining several positive tests at players, is reported on an official organisation website "Federatsiya khokkeya Rossii". Hockey players at whom it was revealed Koronavirus, were isolated from team, other players, trainers and the personnel within three days handed over the tests, all results were negative. On February 2 Russians...
Darya Gredzen
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION XK "SOKOL")
 Anna Shibanova
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)
Paulina Luchnikov
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian hockey team with a washer (FKHR)
Valeria Merkusheva
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)
Ilona Markov
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)