Chibirkin Vladimir: "In the Message of Chapter Republic of Mordovia are set the specific tasks in all directions of development the republics"

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In Yelniki district session of Council of deputies in which the Chairman of State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia Chibirkin Vladimir took part took place. The head of the area Youri Alekseevich Bekeshev submitted the report on results activity administrations for 2021. As a whole the area managed to implement the drawn-up plans in the production and social sphere. Development will proceed within implementation of the Message of Chapter Republic of Mordovia to Gossobraniye the republics for 2022. Plan […] Message Chibirkin Vladimir: "In the Message of Chapter Republic of Mordovia are set the specific tasks in all directions of development the republics" there was at first on News Republic of Mordovia...
Artyom Alekseevich Zdunov
Main activity:Politician
Youri Alekseevich Bekeshev
Last position: Head of the district (Administration of the municipal district Yelnikovsk of the Republic of Mordovia)
Chibirkin Vladimir