The Olympic prize-winners from Russian Federation Udmurt Republic will award under music of the native Chaykovsky Petr Ilyich

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The Olympic prize-winners from Russian Federation Udmurt Republic will award under music of the native Chaykovsky Petr Ilyich. Such decision was made by International Olympic Committee last year. The minister of physical culture, sports and youth policy of the republic Alexander Ilyich Varshavsky considers that for the athlete to stand on a pedestal and to hear the native anthem – very important. "Unfortunately, at our children in Beijing such will not be. But there will be Chaykovsky Petr Ilyich – he to us native, especially for athletes from Udmurt Republic. I think, on rewarding bright emotions are guaranteed". Let's note that from Udmurt Republic on the Olympic Games in Beijing which will take place with 4 on...