70-year-old Victor Ivanovich Sukhorukov admitted that in series "Chicken Fried" for the first time acted in frank scenes

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Yesterday on TV channel "Pervy kanal" started series "Chicken Fried" display about New Economic Policy introduction, the Prohibition and Saint Petersburg the beginnings of the 20th years. Leading roles in the drama played Volkov Nikita, Lyubov Novikov, Irina Pegov, Victor Fedorovich Dobronravov and Victor Ivanovich Sukhorukov. On the eve of a premiere of the film the 70-year-old actor shared impressions about his shootings in the show "Evening Urgant". He admitted that the film kiss about Irina Pegov became its first frank scene. "Thanks to TV channel "Pervy kanal" that you laid a red path 16-serial to the movie Elena Nikolaeva. With pleasure about it tryndyu on all corners! Today left...