The national team Poland will be headed by "Legiya's" ex-trainer Mikhnevich. Declare 31 (Meczyki)
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Recently Polish football union sped up work regarding search of replacement to Paulo Manuel Karvalyu Souza and was close to the conclusion contracts with Adam Navalka. However the head of the organization Tsezari Kulesha who had doubts concerning, whether it is worth returning the former trainer in national team, decided to check also option with Mikhnevich and as a result stopped on it. Appointment of the expert plan to declare on January 31. Possibly, the short-term contract will be signed with Mikhnevich, and the victory in butt matches for an exit to ChM-2022 becomes the main objective. On March 24 the national team will carry out Poland...
Paulo Manuel Karvalyu Souza
Last position: Soccer head coach of Poland national team (Polish football union)
Adam Navalka
Last position: Head coach (Football club "Lex")
Polish football union
Main activity:Culture and sports