Germany: Because of price inflation this year will grow even more

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The Minister of Economics Robert Khabek expects that soon inflation will average 3,3%. The highest plus for the last 29 years. In 2021 of the price already grew by 3,1%. According to Federal statistical managements (Destatis), inflationary problems are swept especially up when filling and heating. The price of liter diesel fuel grew almost twice (%2B48,5%), and the liter gasolines costs 41,2% more, than in November, 2020. Fuel oil rose in price more than twice (%2B101,9%). In supermarkets of buyers unpleasant price surprises also wait - bread and bakery products rose in price for 6,4%, a flour - on 5,6...
Robert Khabek
Last position: Vice-chancellor (Government of Federative Republic of Germany)
Сlara Geyvits
Last position: Minister (Federalnoye ministry housing, city development and construction of Federal Republic Germany)
Alexander Glebovich Rar
Main activity:Official