Lawyer Andrey Aleksandrovich Knyazev commented on a situation with the champion of UFC in heavy weight Francis Zavyer Ngannu. — If Francis Zavyer Ngannu fulfilled contract, no other points in it existed as happens when dismiss top managers

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Lawyer Andrey Aleksandrovich Knyazev commented on a situation with the champion of UFC in heavy weight Francis Zavyer Ngannu. — If Francis Zavyer Ngannu fulfilled contract, no other points in it existed as happens when dismiss top managers of companies. Conditionally the person dismissed from one bank, there can be a condition — three years not to work in the adjacent organizations. Probably, in the agreement there were obligations — not to act any time in certain competitions. At Francis Zavyer Ngannu there are lawyers, collectings will not be huge. It is unlikely it will prevent its performances and the fees. In UFC want to frighten Francis Zavyer Ngannu that it returned and signed the new...
Francis Zavyer Ngannu
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts
Andrey Aleksandrovich Knyazev
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Paul Jake