Парламентский запрос по слиянию медучреждений Ангарска направили главе кабмина Приангарья

Депутаты Законодательного собрания региона считают, что процесс реорганизации необходимо на время...
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Igor Ivanovich Kobzev
Last position: Governor of the Irkutsk region (Governor of the Irkutsk region)
Konstantin Borisovich Zaytsev
Last position: First deputy governor, Chairman (Government of the Irkutsk region)
Roman Fedorovich Gabov
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee by the legislation on environmental management, ecology and agriculture (Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region)
Olga Bezrodnykh
Last position: Vice-chairman of committee on the welfare legislation (Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region)
Vitaly Peretolchin
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee by the legislation on the state construction and local government (Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region)