The hero of "Hope letters" Volkov Yvan received the long-awaited bicycle

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Before New Year 2017 information agency "BNK" and FUND "SILA DOBRA" started the stock "Hope Letters" to grant desires of special children of the republic. The gift for Volkov Yvan from Syktyvkar became the real magic history: it was succeeded to raise funds for purchases for it the special bicycle for people with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis literally one couple of hours prior to festive peal of bells. The gift at last arrived to Komi Republic, and it transferred to the boy. to Volkov Yvan from the capital Komi Republic 16 years, at him are hydrocephaly. In New Year 2017 it made wish – the bicycle for people with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis. - I standing move hardly, and the bicycle will be fine...