Surkis Igor told why the transfer of Wladyslaw Supryaga in "Sampdory"] brok

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The president of Kiev "Dynamo" Surkis Igor told about a situation with sale Wladyslaw Supryaga which could be in "Sampdoriya" in the summer. " I paid €5 million for Wladyslaw Supryaga I had to pay to "Dnepr-1" €5 million and divide profit in half. At some instant "Dnepr-1" did not want. I redeemed Wladyslaw Supryaga. The president "Sampdoriya" spoke personally with me. On Friday it gave one conditions. On Monday called: "I thought, I can give only a half". Itself not to respect it. I explained it Wladyslaw Supryaga. Such chance...
Wladyslaw Supryaga
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Sampdoriya")
Surkis Igor