Whether the termination of purchases currencies Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) will help to stabilize a ruble exchange rate

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The regulator gave to investors a signal that watches a situation and is ready to support national currency Geopolitical risks continue to put the strongest pressure upon the Russian stock market: On January 24 during auctions the index of the Moscow exchange decreased by 7,2%, and its dollar analog of RTS lost slightly more than 9%. By the end of the substantive trading session indexes were a little restored: The Moscow exchanges it was closed by falling for 6%, RTS – for 8,11%. The RTS index was closed by the strongest collapse since spring of 2020 when in the world started extending Koronavirus: then falling following the results of several trading sessions was 7,6–13%, follows from...
Sergei Romanchuk
Last position: The head of transactions in exchange and money market (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "METALLINVESTBANK")
Oleg Syrovatkin
Last position: Leading analyst of department of global researches (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OTKRYTIYE BROKER")
Shulgin Mikhail
Susin Yegor
Potavin Alexander