Forgave the ex-husband and "razluchnitsa": as now there lives a star of the movie "Hearts of Three" Alena Khmelnitskaya

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Alena Khmelnitskaya not only the talented actress, popularity to which came after an exit to screens of mini-series "Hearts of Three" and "Hearts of Three-2". Long time she was considered as one of the most beautiful actresses of a domestic cinema. Nearly 20 years Alena Khmelnitskaya lived in happy marriage with the director Tigran Keosayan and, despite divorce, to this day maintains cordial relations with it...
Alyona Khmelnitskaya
Last position: Actress, TV host
Tigran Keosayan
Main activity:Official
Margaret Simonyan
Last position: Editor-in-chief of RT TV channel (Independent noncommercial organization "TV-Novosti")
Petr Alekseevich Lidov
Last position: Director of communications and public relations (MIA "RUSSIA SEGODNYA")