Lyubov Tolkalina and Darya Ursulyak acted in the psychothriller "Run of Snails"

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Lyubov Tolkalina and Darya Ursulyak took part in the psychological thriller "Run of Snails". The main subject of the project – a victory over the fears, reports In the center of a plot of history of two women – the social worker in the crisis center and journalists. Both of them go in for history of the girl Lera which appeared their patient after estimated violence. The narration in a picture is constructed not linearly. So, Darya Ursulyak had to play at once two heroines. It was necessary "to fork" and Lyubov Tolkalina – it got images and investigators police and the editor-in-chief. Also in a picture accepted...
Lyubov Tolkalina
Last position: Actress
Kirill Zhandarov
Last position: Actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Paulina Shepovalova
Last position: Actress
Sergei Konstantinovich Umanov
Last position: Actor (Independent noncommercial organization "NDT Lva Erenburga")