Beach volleyball. Positions of Russians in a new rating of International federation of volleyball

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International federation of volleyball in anticipation of a season-2022 in beach volleyball published the updated rating of man's and female couples. In man's classification at once two Russian couples enter in top-8. More any other country in the elite list cannot brag of such representation. Women have Nadezhda Makroguzova and Svetlana Kholomina – on the second (!) place. MEN 1. Ahmed / Cheriffe (Qatar) – 5040 points 2. A.Mol / K.Sorum (Norway) – 4000 3. Cantor / Losyak (Poland) – 3960 4. Vyacheslav Borisovich Krasilnikov / Oleg Stoyanovsky – 3820 (world champions 2019, silver prize-winners of OI) 5. Perusich / Shvayner (Czech Republic) – 3724 6. Lupo/...
Vyacheslav Borisovich Krasilnikov
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Fakel")
Oleg Stoyanovsky
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (MP "BK "Obninsk")
Константин Сергеевич Семёнов
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball
Никита Андреевич Лямин
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Fakel")