APRYaL South Ossetia submitted the plan of works for the current year

@IA "Res"
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The First meeting in the come year of "ROPRYAL" South Ossetia (APRYaL) took place news in Thursday in South Ossetian state university named after Alexandra Tibilova. In action members of Association led by her president Tedeeva Zalina, the rector of South Ossetian state university named after Alexandra Tibilova Tedeev Vadim, the chief representative "Federal agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots living abroad and on International humanitarian cooperation" took part in the republic Skvortsov Sergei, and also the minister of educations and sciences of RYuO Natalie Gassieva, the deputy of the Ministry of Education Gagloev Alys, etc. As marked out Tedeeva Zalina, it was traditional action. "Each time we gather at the beginning of a year...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 887
Natalie Gassieva
Last position: Minister (Republic Ministry of Education and Science South Ossetia)
Tedeeva Zalina
Tedeev Vadim
Skvortsov Sergei