Anferni Kharduey: "Will suffice to humiliate me. I devilishly work hard"
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The former star of NBA, nowadays the head coach Universities Memphis Anferni Kharduey flew into a rage on press conferences after defeat from SMU (62:70). "The only thing that I can tell these mass media which sometimes lazhayut when business concerns me – we have no full structure. All of you know well that we play not full structure. So will suffice to ask me silly questions of, whether I cope with the work. If I had the same structure as at SMU, I would do everything that I will want. I work very much. My boys play very much. I have nothing to be ashamed. At us four first-year students leave in...
Anferni Deon Kharduey
Last position: Head coach (Independent noncommercial organization "Angelovo-sport")