The world without magic: what turned out the movie "Avenue of Nightmares"

@RBK Stil'
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The world without magic: what turned out the movie "Avenue of Nightmares" At movie theaters it is possible to watch the new movie Guillermo del Toro Gomes — "Koshmarov Avenue" with Bradley Charles Cooper and Patrisha Runi Mara. The film critic Aleshicheva Tatyana considers that the director managed to rethink a genre nuara and to add to it jokes of fatal horror "The avenue of nightmares" — the rare movie of the Spanish storyteller and a vizioner Guillermo del Toro Gomes where there are no fantastic creatures and mysticism: monsters here the quite ordinary. Probably, one of them is the main character Karlayl Sten (Bradley Charles Cooper): in the first shots we see how it drags someone's wrapped up on a floor...