Capital athletes called citizens revaktsinirovatsya

@MIA "Kazinform"
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Astana. information agency "Kazinform" - Athletes of the capital actively pass a revaccination against Koronavirus. Today the part from them received a repeated vaccine in the inoculative point located in shopping and recreation center of "Abu Dabi Plaz", transfers International information company "Kazinform" with reference to the official site of city akimat. "Due to the epidsituation in the country athletes of the capital came to a revaccination. Existence of the third inoculation not only will warn against a heavy current Koronavirus, but also is one of the main requirements for the athletes participating in the international competitions. The national team Kazakhstan also 100% is vaccinated. It...
Samat Yergaliev
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee for sport and physical culture (Ministry cultures of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Musin Adilbek
Duvanova Galina
Akchurin Anuar
International information company "Kazinform"
Main activity:Communication and IT
Government Agency