Double representation of biathlonists Udmurt Republic at level Europe

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On superiority Europe among juniors was started on January 19 by pupils of PUBLICLY FUNDED INSTITUTION UR "SSSHOR PO BIATLONU" Kornev Alexander and Yemerkhonov Eugenie. They won permits to the European superiority at stages of a junior World Cup. Kornev Alexander was also a winner, and Yemerkhonov Eugenie in final race took the fourth place. Their senior companions Alexander Povarnitsyn and Ilnaz Mukhamedzyanov are included in structure of the national team Russian Federation for performance in the championship Europe in Arbere (Germany). Ilnaz Mukhamedzyanov at a stage of IBU cup finished sprint race on the 21st place, but in its asset there was a bronze medal on...
Александр Васильевич Поварницын
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Ilnaz Mukhamedzyanov
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon (FEDERATSIYA BIATLONA OF THE UDMURT REPUBLIC)
Anton Babikov
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Kornev Alexander
Yemerkhonov Eugenie