"I was a child": Aglaia Shilovskaya reacted to words Yvan Stebunov about their novel

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Some time ago the actor Yvan Stebunov, being the guest of the Destiny of the Person with <4> Boris Korchevnkov broadcast on TV channel "Rossiya", told about the romantic relations with the colleague Aglaia Shilovskaya. He remembered that more than 10 years ago they were in love each other. However everything stopped because of its change. Thus the age difference of stars makes 11 years. Having come to the same studio, Aglaia Shilovskaya sounded the version of those events. Earlier Aglaia Shilovskaya did not make comments on this subject. Only once in interview blabbed out that fell in love when she was 16 years old. Then at her admirers also met...