"Lokovoley's" start. Kaliningrad

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In Kaliningrad, in Yantarny Sports palace on January 18 started the 12th superiority Branch JSC "RZHD" - Gorky railroad on volleyball among young men and girls - "Lokovoley-2021". In "Lokovolee-2021" who is organized Branch JSC "RZHD" - Gorky railroad, man's volleyball club "Lokomotiv" (Novosibirsk) and women's volleyball club "Lokomotiv" (Kaliningrad Region), 12 teams of young men and 12 teams of girls of 2005/2006 year of birth take part. At the first stage participants are divided into groups on six teams. The day before there passed lot of competitions part in which took the champion of Europe, the first captain in the history...