Life of remarkable animals

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During a winter cold time there is a wish for something joyful and cheerful. Therefore the New Year's Eve period is considered one of the most profitable at film film distributors. This week at movie theaters started "Spider-Man: There is no way home" and "the Matrix: Revival". To struggle with such giants in hire it is useless, and their many colleagues had to move for other dates. So happened and to the second part of the animation musical Gart Dzhennings "Zveropoy 2". About it we also will talk today. The plot "Zveropoya 2" is direct continuation of the first part. If initially animals singers tried to achieve recognition in the...
Gart Dzhennings
Last position: Director, screenwriter, actor, writer, producer
Elton Gerkules John
Last position: Singer, musician, composer
Dzhoel Koen
Sinatra Frenki