To Udmurt Republic rescuers pulled out from an ice crack of the three-year-old child

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In the village Luke Balezino district the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations the day before rescued the three-year-old kid. It walked with the brother and the sister, and failed in a deep crack in a snow and ice cover at a water tower. It was narrow and deep, all attempts of eyewitnesses independently to get out the child of ice captivity were useless, and the boy failed everything deeper. Local fire Alekseev Aleksey, the colleague who has arrived after it Alexander Ivanovich Nagovitsyn, and locals could expand quickly a crack, approach the kid and pull out it on a surface. At survey on a place it became clear that it, fortunately, not...
Alexander Ivanovich Nagovitsyn
Last position: Deputy, member of the constant commission on questions of development of the territory, town planning, land management and ecology (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)
Alekseev Aleksey