The Petersburg currency exchange will be headed by Boris Mikhaylovich Yaryshevsky from Open joint-stock company "Promsvyazbank"

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Moscow. January 14. information agency "Interfaks" - Boris Mikhaylovich Yaryshevsky, earlier holding post of the head of department of strategy and projects of developments Open joint-stock company "Promsvyazbank", will head JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ST.PETERSBURG INTERBANK STOCK EXCHANGE which call "the sanctions exchange", follows from materials the exchanges. Board of directors JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ST.PETERSBURG INTERBANK STOCK EXCHANGE elected him the managing director for a period of three years since the moment when it candidate will be approved by Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia). Boris Mikhaylovich Yaryshevsky since May, 2007 about two years worked in companies with AtoZstudents, since November, 2008 Education Consulting ltd was the managing director of companies. In 2010 worked...