The Chernozem region in three minutes: about small business and personnel shifts

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daily business newspaper "RBK daily" the Chernozem region the Belgorod ombudsman represents a selection of latest news in a week: about small business and the list of affected branches according to the representative by the rights of businessmen to Belgorod Region Wladyslaw Yepanchintsev, businesses already learned to adapt for work "in new realities". Representative on protection of Rights of businessmen in of the Belgorod region told daily business newspaper "RBK daily" the Chernozem region on interview within a special project "Results of year" that since the beginning of 2021 in the region about 58,9 thousand subjects of small business were, however by the end of the year their quantity decreased to 58,1 thousand. In his opinion, despite reduction...
Vyacheslav Gladkov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Belgorod region)
Wladyslaw Yepanchintsev
Last position: Head (Representative on protection of Rights of businessmen in of the Belgorod region)
Zubkov Artem
Medvedeva Olga