Flat keys handed over to the widow "Plaited white bread қ aarmany" Meirzhan Aymanov

@MIA "Kazinform"
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Taraz. information agency "Kazinform" – In Taraz honored memory of the deputy chief of service of fire extinguishing of DChS Province of Jambyl, warehouses which have lost during suppression ammunition in the Bayzaksky area Province of Jambyl when he tried to help employees, the correspondent of International information company "Kazinform" reports. Let's remind, on August 26, 2021 in the military unit deployed in the Bayzaksky area Province of Jambyl, there was an ignition in warehouse engineering ammunition. At elimination of fires about 50 employees of MCHS RK suffered. Meirzhan Aymanov directed on a place the fire extinguishing organization, carrying out evacuation works...