It is arrested accused of murder of the Nizhny Novgorod deputy Rozina Valentine

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The detainee is taken into custody for a period of two months, till March 11, 2022. Video screenshot © District court of the Kovernino district of the Nizhny Novgorod region Video of arrest of the deputy accused of murder Rozina Valentine © District court of the Kovernino district of the Nizhny Novgorod region Smirnov Sergei, on January 12 the detainee in Nizhny Novgorod on suspicion in murder of the deputy of the Koverninsky municipal district Rozina Valentine, is arrested for two months. About this Layfu reported in press service of Koverninsky district court. Charge is already brought to the man, specified in regional SU of SKR. Smirnov Sergei will be under arrest till March 11, 2022, specified in instance. Earlier Smirnov Sergei...