Last year in Minsk constructed 79 multiroom houses

@Pro nedvizhimost'
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According to operational data, in Minsk for last year are put into operation of 79 multiroom houses with a total area of 956,79 thousand sq.m, told to the correspondent of agencies "Minsk News" in construction committee and investments Minsk city executive committee. On areas construction houses looks so: October in which 31 houses (nearly 367 thousand sq.m) Central - 11 high-rise buildings more than 174 thousand m2Zavodskoy - 10 houses (plus of 98 thousand squares) Moscow - 8 houses (131 thousand sq.m) May Day - 8 houses (101 thousand sq.m) Lenin - 5 houses (35 thousand squares) Frunze - 3 houses (nearly 25 thousand increased...