The former deputy of Duma of Stavropol Territory Yvan Ivanovich Kits] die

@Stavropol'skaja pravda
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The governor Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirov on the official page in website "Instagram" expressed condolences to the family of the died deputy of the Duma of edge of the 6th convocation Yvan Ivanovich Kits. "Light memory of Yvan Ivanovich Kits forever remains in the hearts of fellow countrymen, as well as feeling of gratitude for its good deeds. I express deep condolences to his family", – the head of the region wrote. It reminded that Yvan Ivanovich Kits for many years worked in animal husbandry: in Neftekumsk the district organized a farm which then grew in large agricultural enterprise of regional scale. "In...