Делегация города Улан-Удэ провела рабочую встречу в мэрии Новосибирска (ФОТО)

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Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «New Buryatia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Nicholas Nikolaevich Namsaraev
Last position: Deputy mayor-chief of staff (Administration of Ulan-Ude)
Igor Shutenkov
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Ulan-Ude)
Chimit Balzhinimaev
Last position: Chairman of the board of deputies (Ulan-Ude derevnya Gorodskoe Council of deputies)
Gennady Pavlovich Zakharov
Last position: First deputy mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)
Dimitri Asantsev
Last position: Chairman of the board of deputies of Novosibirsk (Council of deputies of the Novosibirsk city)