Vladimir Putin appointed the chairman of the Kirov regional vessels

@Gorod Kirov
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Vladimir Putin signed the decree by which appointed the chairman of Pervomaisky district district court Kirov's cities Kirov region. The six-year term of the chairman of vessels is taken up by Suvorov Vera , specializing on criminal trials. Suvorov Vera graduated from FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "URALSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY YURIDICHESKY UNIVERSITY", FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "URGYUU", URGYUU. The chairman is 42 years old. The labor activity Suvorov Vera began in prosecutor's office Leninsky rayon Kirov. Since June, 2013 Suvorov Vera held a post of the vice-chairman Pervomaysky of regional vessels. Also Vladimir Putin appointed judge Omutninsk district district court Kirov region. Lusnikova Olga became him. yandex photo...