In Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan reported about death of the chief of police

@Argumenty i Fakty
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A plot Protests in Kazakhstan against rise in prices for Moscow gas Moscow, on January 10 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". In Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan reported about death of the chief of police Province of Jambyl the general Zhanat Suleymenov. His body was found in Taraz, writes Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Now all circumstances of death of the general are investigated. Today also it became known that the colonel of KNB Kazakhstan Azamat Ibraev is found dead in Astana. Everything, by data Ministries of Internal Affairs the republics during disorders were lost 16 security officers, even more than 1,3 thousand suffered. Besides, wounds were got by about 400 fighters of national guard Kazakhstan...