In Arkhangelsk passed the regional Championship on chess

@GTRK "Pomor'e"
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In Arkhangelsk passed the regional Championship on chess among men and women. Winners and prize-winners will present Pomorze in the Championship Russian Federation in Saint Petersburg. Tension in air and a sound of click of a chess clock. These sports - the most silent, after all any rustle can prevent logical thinking of chess players. 16 professionals gathered on this regional Championship at school Karbasnikov's name: 8 men and 8 women. Play on circular system, in day - one party. Among participants - Kuznetsov Vadim. The young man has the first adult category. Kuznetsov Vadim, chess player: - Unfortunately, this tournament at me not...
Alexander Seredkin
Last position: Director of the Buryat complex station of protection of the wood and forest seed farming of the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Buryatia (Federal state-funded institution "Roslesozashchita")
Kuznetsov Vadim
Lukyanov Igor
Samoylov Anton
Fayzutdinova Diana