"Titan", sequel "Kendimena" and series "Chaki": critics called the best horrors of year

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The largest profile Dread Central resource called ten best horrors of 2021. 10 . "We have to chtonibud undertake" the director Sean O'Greydi according to But Maxime. "It is sensation. It is really terrible — constantly being excited madness and paranoia. It is fresh, is cheerful, original and provocative" — critics consider. 9 . Comedy fantastic horror of "Psikh-raschlenitel" Stephen Kostanski. Experts call it "children's cinema with the rating of R inspired by genre tapes 80th". 8 . "Angry" James Van. "The movie is absolutely non-standard, combines elements dzhallo and a bodi-horror...
But Maxime
James Van
Glass Rose
Pronchenko Zenaida
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