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When outside December, and performance left in the May, unless the blog respecting walking in step with theatrical process, will begin to give the review? But neither in May, nor in June, even in September there was no critic respecting which the Uncle Leva" would humiliate himself with accreditation on Konstantin Bogomolov "— after the director declared that the criticism to it and theater is not necessary that will let nobody, to call especially, and all would go far and for a long time...
Igor Vernik
Last position: Actor, TV host, radio host, composer, singer, producer
Irina Starshenbaum
Last position: Actress
Konstantin Bogomolov
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")
Larissa Lomakina
Last position: Set designer, costume designer, architect
Ludmila Khmelnitsky
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")