Три очка Шрёдера помогли «Йокериту» победить московское «Динамо»

Игровой день завершился в Хельсинки, где «Йокерит» встречался с московским «Динамо...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Continental hockey league» , more details in our Terms of Service
Антон Сергеевич Белов
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (LLC "HOCKEY CLUB SKA")
Veli-Matti Savinaynen
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Yokerit")
Marco Anttila
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Yokerit")
Rob Klinkkhammer
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Closed joint-stock company "Hockey club "Dinamo-Minsk")
Hockey club "Yokerit"
Main activity:Culture and sports