Why Vatican City decided to support the Polish opposition

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The speaker Republic senate Poland Tomash Pavel Grodzky plans to meet soon in Vatican City Jorge Mario Bergolyo. Considering that the head of the upper house Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland represents opposition, there is a question: than the Sacred throne was guided, having agreed to its meeting with the pontiff? .
Jorge Mario Bergolyo (Frantsisk)
Last position: Pope (Catholic church)
Zbignev Tadeush Ziobro
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Justice of Republic of Poland)
Tomash Pavel Grodzky
Last position: Marshal (Republic senate Poland)
Shilov Yvan
"Civic Platform" Party
Political ideology:Conservatism, economic liberalism
"Law and Justice"
Political ideology:National conservatism, social conservatism, panjevropeizm, economic nationalism.
Republic senate Poland
Government Agency