Non-fikshn, fiction and a new trend on a manga: that Russians in 2021] rea

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That occurred Experts called the books popular with Russians in 2021. Generally in the country read anti-Utopias, non-fikshn and a manga. Details the Most popular became works of "NI SY" of Jen Sinsero, "Subconsciousness can do everything" Jonah Kekho and "Disturbing people" Bakman Fredrik. In figures generally Russians in a year read from 1 to 5 books, the most reading — young people aged from 18 till 24 years. What to esteem Among novelties — "Gucci's House" Gey Sarah Vorden, "The last bear" Gold Khany, Karen's "Cousins" Makmanus M. and "Happiness not to hurry" Rakov Catherina. That occurred Employees "Read - the cities"...