Какие знаки зодиака правят Белгородской областью

К нашему небольшому исследованию не стоит относиться всерьёз. Мы решили посмотреть, представители каких знаков зодиака работают в структурах власти региона...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «It is white. Ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vyacheslav Gladkov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Belgorod region)
Vadim Mikhaylovich Klet
Last position: Deputy (Belgorod regional Council)
Eugenie Miroshnikov
Main activity:Official
Vladimir Filippovich Borovik
Last position: The deputy governor of area – the minister (Department of Finance and Budgetary Policy of the Belgorod region)
Valery Pavlovich Shamaev
Main activity:Official
Department ekonomrazvitiya
Government Agency
Government Agency
Administration office physical culture and sport